Welcome to EyeStudy, the website dedicated to Ophthalmology, which offers a collection of clear and comprehensive articles on a wide variety of topics in this field. EyeStudy is a mini-course for medical and orthoptics students who wish to expand their knowledge of Ophthalmology quickly and effectively. The collection of articles, written by professionals in the field, offers clinically oriented and relevant information without losing the reader in superfluous information. EyeStudy is a valuable resource for all those who wish to further their education in the field of Ophthalmology.
Dott. Matteo Girolamo, MD
Dott. Daniele Cappiello, MD
Dott. Valerio di Martino, MD
Dott. Gregorio Manco, MD
Dott.ssa Giuseppina Monteleone, MD